Are you looking for a new and exciting opportunity? We have just the thing! – apprenticeship roles only

A part time job role for a print and marketing assistant has just opened up at Hot Ice Printing. We are looking for a confident candidate with experience in customer service and sales. Experience is printing is not necessary, but candidate must be willing to learn and see this role as more than just a part time job. Have a look below to see if it would be something you were interested in.

Job title : Print and Marketing Assistant

What we look for in a candidate?

Job Description:

The role requires a passionate and hardworking individual. You will be the first point of contact for our customers and suppliers. You will be confident in your approach with customers and able to deal with enquiries over the phone and via email whilst maintaining friendly customer service. On a day to day basis, you will be required to create quotes for customers, using our suppliers and quickly develop a basic understanding of our in-house systems. You will also be managing digital print from basic graphic design  to packing up parcels ready for delivery for our customers. You will be managing our social media websites and ensuring that customers are responded quickly and efficiently in order to generate sales. You will also have the ability for content writing for articles and updating text. In addition, you will be in charge of general housekeeping duties for the office ; keeping the place tidy for customers.

Job requirements:

If you are interested in this role, please send your CV over to us straight away! Send to [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!

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